Consultant in Pain Medicine & Anaesthesia

  • Treatment of back pain including sciatica
  • Treatment of neck pain
  • Treatment of headaches/migraine
  • Use of Botox in pain treatment
  • Introduction of facet joint denervation

Pain Consultant in Jersey


Dr Calum McClymont is an experienced consultant in Pain Medicine. His main specialist areas of interest include the management of back and neck pain, neuropathic pain, cancer pain, headache and the use of Botox in pain management. He has experience of pain management programmes and a wide range of interventional procedures for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

Born in Hawick, Scotland and educated at St Joseph's College, Dr McClymont completed his medical studies at the University of Aberdeen in 1982. He trained in Anaesthetics, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Medicine in Newcastle, New Zealand and Australia. Dr McClymont has been practising as a Consultant in anaesthetics and pain medicine for 22 years.

In moving to Jersey in March 2014, Dr McClymont has introduced Botox injections in his pain clinic for a number of conditions including migraine headaches in accordance with the PREEMPT trial. These injections are also being used for low back pain, neck pain, cervicogenic headaches and trigger points. He has also introduced facet joint denervation by radiofrequency lesioning for chronic low back pain.

Dr McClymont is a Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists, a Fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Royal College of Anaesthetists, a Fellow of the New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, a Member of the British Pain Society, a Member of the International Association for the Study of Pain and a Member of the Jersey Medical Society. He is also on the Specialist Register of the GMC (General Medical Council) and a Trustee for Jersey Hospice Care.